Need a little bit of assistance taking care of your spray tan?
Not sure what to wear to get a spray tan? We’ve got all the 411 you need right here:

Pre-Spray Tan:

  • ALL waxing services should be at least 48 hours before your spray tan (this includes eyebrow waxing).

  • ALL exfoliating treatments (pedicure, manicure) should be prior to the day before your spray tan. If you must have these on the same day as your spray, request that no lotion on hands, legs, and arms. Polish changes before your event or the day after your spray are fine.

  • Please don't use shaving cream with your razor the day you get sprayed (shaving creams include gels that can remain on your legs).

  • When shaving before your spray, don't use a razor that moisturizes as it shaves (this will deposit cream or oil on your skin, which is a no-no).

  • When exfoliating in the shower, don't use a sugar/salt scrub or a loofah UNLESS you wait 24 hours to get sprayed (all of these change the pH balance of your skin – your pH balance needs to remain fairly even for best results). A gentle washcloth exfoliation works best.

  • Make sure there is no lotion or oil on your skin the day of your spray tan.

  • Please don't wear deodorant the day you get sprayed.

  • You may be sprayed in whatever makes you comfortable, we are fine with women wearing a lot, a little, or nothing at all. We will provide a disposable thong for your use. (Men must wear adequate coverage, such as underwear or bathing suits.)

  • Ask us about our Glo Enhancer, which may be sprayed after your spray tan. It is a skin rejuvenating treatment made with plant extracts, antioxidants and botanicals. This is a collagen-based treatment that makes your skin red-carpet ready, no matter what the occasion! Although not just for special occasions, many brides choose to add this treatment to their pre-wedding spray tan. For more mature brides, we suggest having the Glo Enhancer on its own early the week of the wedding...and then the spray tan and Glo Enhancer together, a few days prior to the ceremony.

  • We also offer Glo Dusting Powder applications for after your spray; many of our clients love the immediate smooth and silky dryness of the skin when Dolce powder is applied at the end of the session by our technicians. Not to mention how great you look, feel, and smell!

  • If you have extremely dry skin, or have some recent sun damage, please let us know before the spray.

  • Please try to avoid any sunburn the month before a major event such as a wedding, prom or graduation. Sunburns damage not only the outer layer of skin (which may peel off) but also the underlying layer. This makes for an unstable surface, and the spray tan may not look its best. The Glo Enhancer can help by creating a smoother layer on which to spray...if you have had recent sun damage, please let us know!

Post Spray Tan:

  • Please don't apply deodorant again until the day after your spray tan.

  • Regularly developing spray tans (our "traditional tans") take 8-12 hours to fully develop. Please plan on staying cool and dry during that time... this means no working out, sweating, or getting wet! "Quick rinse" tans can be rinsed off (rinse with water only, no soap or shampoo) in 1-4 hours depending on the level of color you wish to achieve. Although the Quick Rinse allows you to rinse within a few hours, your color will still take 8-12 hours to fully develop. After your rinse, though, you can work out, get wet, etc. Ask us about the right solution for you..but please know, both end up with an incredible glow.

  • When you leave Gorgeous Glo you will want to wear loose, dark clothing with flip flops, loose shoes or sandals. Think about the weather when choosing your “after-spray tan” attire. If there is a chance of rain you will have less chance of any issues if you are covered completely.

  • Please don’t wear denim as you leave the salon, as it is abrasive and can wear lines in your tan. After your first shower, wearing denim is fine.

  • When you take your first post-tanning shower it may look like your tan is rinsing off. Our tan solutions have a topical cosmetic bronzer, which is what you see washing off. Don’t worry, your tan will be beautifully intact!

  • After a spray tan, moisturize at least once a day (twice is even better!). We recommend not using any oil-based moisturizers, or any oil-based standalone products. This helps your tan last as long as possible (generally our tans last 7-10 days). We also have tan-extending lotions, shower gels, and Glow on the Go touch up compressed air spray cans.

  • If going on vacation please remember to use sunscreen! Our tans do not provide any sun protection. Please refrain from using any oil-based or spray sunscreens, as these tend to cause the tan to wear unevenly.

  • Please avoid chlorine to keep your tan in peak shape… saltwater is fine. If you decide to go into a chlorinated pool or hot tub, please go completely in, so that all parts of you are exposed to the chlorine (not just legs, for can imagine what it might look like when you have been submerged for an hour in a bleaching agent only up to your knees!). FYI, hot tubs are particularly damaging to spray tans, as they have chlorine AND strong whirlpool spouts which can exfoliate the skin in the area the spouts consistently hit.

Enjoy! And let us know if you have any other questions – feel free to call us at (980) 819-8411, send us a text message at (704) 851-4980, or drop us an email.